Advertising Teamwork

I took an advertising design class this quarter in which we were assigned a different project and a different team each week. Each team included one illustrator, one copywriter and one art director.  It was challenging cranking out a new ad or series of ads each week while dealing with team members. In the end I definitely had a great time working with everyone and we produced some cool stuff.

We all drew products and places out of a hat and the assignment was to create an ad where the type not only said our tag but became a part of the overall message in some other way. For instance another team did a print ad that said "Thirty Fun Reasons to Come to the Zoo" where the type was made up of thirty little illustrated animals.  The one we did for Publix dog food got slammed at my critique but was the most fun to do. We got to dump my trash out all over the floor of one of the classrooms to spell out our message.

I had trouble photoshopping to make it all readable which is why we got in trouble.

The next ads ended up being billboards as well for some reason.  The assignment here was meant to be a bit more ridiculous.  Our teacher gave us a variety of science fiction creatures that we could work with. We had to create two billboards one that was in support of our creature and one that was in opposition to our creature.  We also had to assign some sort of meaning to them.

I had fun drawing the aliens. 

This last project was actually the first one that we did.  It was for a new kind of mouse trap that is shaped like a vase on its side. You put the cheese inside and when the mouse goes inside it throws the vase off balance and it tips up, trapping the mouse inside. We had to do a series and took the angle that the mousetrap is easier in every way than the mouse trapping methods that you are used to.

When I drew these and put them together I tried to use all of the cool new tricks that I had learned in Brians class. Although I am happy with the way the drawings turned out, I am not sure that they are the best ads. Oh well.

See ya next time,



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